Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Groundhog Day

It's the middle of January and I'm looking ahead to next week when I plan to introduce Little H to groundhogs. In my last post I shared the art project I hope to do with her. 

All Kids Network had a cute template of a groundhog that I will let her paint. I'll have the shadow already cut out and then I plan to put both on a blue background with a sun in the top left-hand corner. She loves to use the glue or glue stick: Grandma I want to do it myself!!

After browsing through the books I saved from my classroom, I hit the jackpot ... I found four!!

The top three are fiction, but the one on the bottom by Gail Gibbons has lots of groundhog information. Some days she's really interested in learning about real animals so I'll bring it just in case. If you want to keep some money in your pocket, two of these books are available on youtube as a storytime reading.

 I only wish I hadn't given away my Folkmanis puppet ... sigh. Little H would have loved it and I could have used it to teach her this groundhog song. Deb@Living Montessori Now has tons more ideas on her Groundhog board ... be sure to check them out! There's even a link to making a darling groundhog lunch.