Sunday, July 24, 2016

Duck, Duck, Goose!

Hmmm, I can't seem to make up my mind ... Google+ Collection for Little H or another post to my blog. The collection is private and allows Little H and her nearby adult reader to make personal comments which only immediate family members can see. But I have much more control over the format in the blog setting and because it's public, maybe some other mom or grandma will be able to use the resources. Sooooo ... I think I will let them pick which works best for them in their new home.

Turns out doing multiple video calls with an abundance of family members and friends can be a little taxing for a high energy preschooler, not to mention repetitive. My goal: collect some jokes, youtube videos, and other suitable preschool material that might peak the interest of a preschooler. Hopefully it will form a connection that gives her something different to talk about in our video time together.

This week's topic was picked by none other than Little H! Her favorite stuffed animal since she's been old enough to know what she wants - her beloved Kuka. Now I have to admit I have NO idea how to spell that little duck's name, but it has traveled the world with her from the U.S. to Mexico, Manila, and even Hong Kong! Grandma Sandy, find me some jokes about a goose or a duck!

Okay Little H ... I'm hoping you can learn one of these duck jokes from Lemon the Duck to share with me on my next video call. The following was my favorite:

Q:  What do call two ducks and a cow?
A:  Quackers and milk 

Q:  What did the duck say when she bought some lipstick?
A:  Put it on my bill!
And Grandma remembered you wanted a goose joke too!
Q: What do you do if someone throws a goose at you?
A:  Duck! 
Try this tongue twister from Kids Jokes. You'll need to say all the words in order; then repeat going faster and faster! Can you do it without messing up what you say?
Granny's gray goose goes last.
Sometimes you just need to hear different versions and pick your favorite!!

Grandma was so sorry to hear that some of your books didn't make it your new home!
So I found some books where ducks or geese were the characters.

When creating a learning environment in the home, don't forget the importance of nonfiction literature and factual resources. I'm feeling a little bummed that I couldn't find easy books online about ducks, but I did find a great resource for nonfiction in general. ("Nonfiction" is usually the American spelling while British spelling shows up as "non-fiction"... even I learned something new today!) 

Little ones can be sponges when collecting new knowledge and this schema will help them make future connections as readers. Check out some tips for reading nonfiction with your child. Before you watch one of these videos, set an expectation for the young viewer. For example, discuss what your child already knows about ducks; then challenge her to find something new in the video.
Since Little H thinks ducks are just so cute sometimes you need a video just for fun!

It's a good thing this grandma caught a little shut-eye on the couch this afternoon since my promise to Little H  turned into a four hour project! So since I've already warned you in previous posts that I'm a pinterest junkie I'll end today's writing by directing you to my board: PS-Pond where you can find suggestions for duck art projects and activities for all those wonderful rubber ducks Poppa Tom gave Little H.


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