Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Oops ...

Wow, it's been a long, LONG time since I've posted. Sorry for the corrected springtime post from 2015 that now looks like it's current. My fingers were moving quicker than my brain! I guess I will have to play around with the revised templates and get rid of things that no longer work!

Obviously I fell behind in my Early Learning posts once summer of 2015 hit.  I still had time with Little H once a week, but the other days were filled with outings with friends, pool time, and supervision of my daughter's kitchen construction. Or was it the milestone birthday and all those medicare decisions to make???

By the end of the summer ... the new pattern was established and New Horizons was in a crumbled folder at the back of my mental file cabinet, almost forgotten only to be rediscovered while playing with Google+.

So I'll do a quick rewind and list the highlights of that missing year:

  • Little H turned 3 with a birthday party starring Miss Jamie and then started preschool. No more weekly projects with this grandma. Sigh ... not sure if that's disappointment or relief ... just kidding although my back doesn't miss pushing her higher & higher on the backyard swing!
  • I joined Pat, Tudy, Susan, Kris, & Lisa for our 1st. Girls' Weekend in Chicago. Hmmm ... just  like a visit to Vegas - what happens on Girls' Weekend stays with the girls.
  • Took an amazing trip to Charleston ... a definite bucket list item for all foodies
  • Hosted an Oktoberfest party (getting hungry just thing about that one) and a Sparkling Wine Night 
  • Lots and LOTS of Meetup events
  • Vacationed in Daytona with Doris
  • Back to Florida to see Pat
  • THE NEWS - my son got a promotion and was moving to the Philippines for 2-3 years!!!
  • 2nd. Girls' Weekend - this time in Pittsburgh

Wow!! That's definitely the condensed version minus the colorful ongoing emotions, the laughter,  and yes ..  some tears. It skips over  a constant through the year - the amazing times spent with friends and family! There were simply too many fun times to list from the remarkable snow sculptures in Lake Geneva last winter to the silliness of trying out bag chairs in the middle of the aisle at Meijers. 

However, it does bring me full circle as to why I was playing with Google+ - I now use Google Hangouts for texting and video contact with my son and his family.  They moved a month ago and NONE of us want those international phone bills!! So I'm playing around with technology once again: browsing communities, experimenting with collections, and thinking of ways to stay connected with Little H.  

Upon reflection, it really IS a time of New Horizons!!

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