Sunday, June 29, 2014

Summer Whites & Salads

Occasionally Stacy, Matilde, or I will host private wine events at our home through the Schaumburg Wine Meetup Group. In the past, they were very specific wine tastings based upon a region or variety of wine. So I was ready to try something new. I decided to host an event where each guest needed to supply a salad and a white wine. Each guest posted the salad  or dessert they were bringing so we didn't have to worry about duplicates. I even put out a few appetizers so we wouldn't need to worry about late arrivals.

I loved the simplicity of the set-up and it turned out to be a great event.  Great wines + wonderful salads + lots of laughter = a fun night!!

What a spread! Ceviche, chicken salad with croissants, Oriental chicken salad, antipasto salad, and cole slaw to name just a few. We also had roast chicken with feta, loaded baked potato salad, ratatouille ( a first for me which I found delicious), and fresh fruit. There was plenty for seconds and I even had small containers so people could take home a goodie box for lunch the next day.

They might have been salads, but it was still a LOT of food! So I had a game I adapted from a wine tour I helped host last summer.

Pass The Gift

Take this gift with my next clue and give it to the nearest person wearing some blue.
Next on … pass it to the closest mom with a girl, and then onto someone whose hair has some curl.
Pass it to anyone sitting/standing on your left; now I’m looking for a guest who’s willing to try theft!
Onto the next, lets not stop yet; give it to a wine lover who doesn’t have a pet.
We’re not stopping now …  no how, no way! So pass it on to the guest who arrived first today.
It’s an easy task and loads of fun, give it to someone who looks like they enjoy the sun!
A silly game-what will it bring; how about a guest willing to sing.
We’re almost there, just a couple more. Pass it to the person closest to the door.
Now find the guy with the least amount of hair, pass it to him if you dare.
Get in gear and get on the ball. Give this gift to someone tall.
Who brought the white wine made furthest away, take a bow and then the gift, okay?
Sadly, the bow was just for fun, you must give your gift away, so send it to the person who arrived last today.
Coming in last made you a winner tonight, but there are more gifts here so you have to make it right. Go check out the wines, finding four you would like to try. Hand whoever brought them a gift as you pass by.

Congratulations to Doris who took her time sampling the different white wines before making her selections. By then we had room for dessert. Now normally I just like a little "taste" of dessert but somehow I managed sampling all four: apricot cobbler, dump cake, turtle brownies, and strawberries with cool whip!

I really enjoyed the informality of the event. We had wonderful wines to sample throughout the evening and there was plenty of food to balance that alcohol. I liked the potluck aspect so I might have to repeat this in the fall, but probably not with salads.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Turning Two

My granddaughter will be turning two later this summer. I asked my son and daughter-in-law recently what I could get for her birthday. Their reply: CASH for college  - no toys please. She's taken over the house with her things!!

LOL ... I understand they're running out of room. I can do the cash, but I would still like to do something personal. So I've decided to draw on the "teacher" in me and provide activities as well as art ideas and supplies to celebrate her next year. Some basic supplies I'll include are: 2 sets of Crayola Washable Paints, washable markers, play dough (don't hate me!!), a glue stick, glue, and white cardstock. If you remember, I'm a Pinterest junkie, so I clicked on Toddler Art to help me decide on suggestions for each month. I'll make a baggie for each month and include a picture of what the finished project should look like (each artist is different ... no promises here) and any extra supplies needed. Then I started thinking about displaying the finished projects. I think I need to get a large shadow box or frame that can sit on the counter or one of their shelves and they can rotate the projects each month. After all, budding young artists like their work to be appreciated over and over! And if I'm lucky, maybe I'll even get an invite to come over and help on some of the "project days." Here's the poem I made to go in her card:

A Gift of Art and Activities

Money for college seems so far away
I needed something that’s more day to day.
So here are some crafts I’ll hope you’ll enjoy
Since Mommy and Daddy said “NO” to a toy!
At least one for each month while you are 2
And some activities where you’ll learn as you do!

This coffee filter apple really caught my eye over at the blog Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas. I'll make sure to include some green/red/yellow cardstock, several coffee filters, and a small spray bottle.

My granddaughter already counts, so the next step is to develop 1:1 number correspondence. I found this cute play dough counting mat at the Pre-K site. I don't have access to laminating materials, but I can always use a plastic sleeve. Since she's still quite young, I would recommend starting without the number cards and just showing her how to roll the play dough apples to put on the tree. As she gains confidence in counting the apples, the number cards can be introduced.

For years October meant a pumpkin theme in my classroom so it was an easy match here. Confessions of a Homeschooler had some really cute pumpkin number cards. I plan to print them on cardstock and get mini clothespins (good for fine motor) for attaching. I also liked the sorting activity for large, medium, and small pumpkins.

I chose The Cutest Pumpkin craft from No Time for Flash Cards to give my granddaughter an experience with torn paper art.  I'll have to supply a cotton ball, large googly eyes, orange paper, background cardstock, and a pumpkin template.

Now I'm not a sewer so mine probably won't turn out looking as good as the one I found at Crafting Chicks, but I really liked the idea of Little H being able to create different jack o'lantern faces.  I even found a template for some different facial features at Craft Buds.  My inner child is getting excited at the thought I get to play with it too just so I can take photos of the different faces I create. That way she can play two ways: create her own design or match the photo.

I LOVE this project, but I'll wait and check with Mom and Dad to make sure they're on board since the supplies are a little pricier. It could be adapted to a paper project rather than canvas and then mounted in the shadow box. I need to remember there isn't any black in the paint set though.

I'm thinking a little variety is needed so I can adapt this candy corn craft  to make refrigerator magnets. I'll have to precut the corn shapes out of yellow, orange, and brown craft foam and place magnets on the back. I'll prepunch the holes as well and have the ribbon ready to go. An adult will need to place the glue dots using Tacky Glue and my granddaughter can place the candy corn which I'll buy at Halloween. Hmm...I wonder how much of that candy corn will land in her tummy? Oh well,  I can always substitute regular corn used for popping.
Decisions ... decisions!! I also liked this handprint Mayflower. I'll need to make sure she has light blue background paper, dark blue paper for water, and white paper to tear for the sails. I think I would change the water and make it torn paper waves to build on her October experience.

I found a cute turkey play dough mat on the PreKinders site. Little H can make wiggle worm feathers out of dough to decorate it. The activity can be expanded to include the math skills of counting or patterning since I'll include some real feathers as well. I would suggest starting with two colors of feathers and creating a simple AB pattern such as red/yellow and then have her repeat it several times. For counting, she can create her feather design and then count how many she used. Or an adult can call a number and she has to use only that many feathers. 

I fell in love with a felt tree at Sol and Rachel Do a Blog. I think I'll  make it small enough to fit on the door of their refrigerator and I can add magnetic tape on the back. I'm picturing some good times as she decorates the tree her way! This Grandma needs to go buy some felt and magnetic tape!

I found another cute play dough mat at Prekinders: this one being a gingerbread house just waiting to be decorated with play dough! Little H can create play dough candy to decorate it. If Mom wants to try patterning, she can limit the play dough colors used to just two and model how to roll a ball of one color and then switch to another to create an AB pattern to copy naming the colors as they're repeated: red, blue, red, blue, etc. This mat could also be used for counting candies: Mom places several play dough candies on the house and asks Little H to count. Or if 1:1 correspondence is developing, Mom can name a number and ask her to put that many play dough candies on the house. This Reading Mama has some Christmas and winter themed mats for open-ended play.

I should probably print the Creative Homeschool tracing sheets which she can use with her markers to help develop fine motor control. Hope I'm not losing focus here!

But I still need something for the shadow box! Think I found it ... this one will give her practice sorting length and give her a finished craft. I'll have to make sure I cut the green strips and put Q-Tips in the baggie. Hmmm...since she's sorting, I might want to use green cardstock rather than paper so they'll be durable enough to move around.

A toddler working on canvas???? I fell in love when I saw this snowflake on  Ten Kids and a Dog.This snowflake is sooo cute and she'll be able to paint to her heart's delight right over the tape. I'll need to have the canvas already taped with the snowflake design and a fine tip black marker. I can just imagine her surprise after the tape is peeled away and the white snowflake is revealed!

I Can Teach My Child has a cute Build Your Own Snowman project. They provide a template for the snowman and the decorations. And all the pieces fit inside one baggie so it doesn't take up a lot of room! I'll need a stiff piece of blue felt for the background, white felt, and assorted colors for the decorations.

Tutus & Tea Parties has a snowman shape I should print so she can decorate it with her play dough.

Love, love, LOVE this little bundle of energy I've nicknamed Little H for this blog so February's theme must revolve around a heart! I chose the heart ball craft from Toddler Approved which will end up being a two day project. I'll include pink card stock and some jingle bells as my round objects. I don't want them to have to store the cookie tin so I'll get one when they go on sale at Christmas and keep it for them. After an adult cuts out the heart shapes, she'll need a background paper for mounting. Then my dear granddaughter can decorate with some valentine stickers and jewels!

I found some valentine play dough mats at Gift of Curiosity. Many thanks, Katie! Holly Long has a cute sorting activity using felt hearts. I'll need light pink, red, and purple felt for the background and a contrasting color for the background. The dialog she provides for playing with your child warms this old teacher's heart.

If March comes in like a lion it goes out like a lamb. I found this cute little lamb on Sassy Dealz.  All I'll have to do is get the pink cardstock, then cut out and glue on the black pieces so she'll know where to put her thumb prints, and have some googly eyes. Maybe she can tear some green paper and add a lawn for her little lamb. My shopping list is growing!

March 2nd. is Dr. Seuss's birthday so I have to include an activity in his honor. OBSEUSSED has a simple counting 1 Fish 2 Fish placemat to use with goldfish crackers which the little munchkin loves! Hopefully that early counting practice will be paying off!

When I think of March I can't forget St. Patricks Day! All Kids Network has a shamrock finger painting project and they even include the shamrock template. This is another two-step project since you need to allow time for the paint to dry. I think I'll get some green jewels or sticker shamrocks that she can design around or on the shamrock.

Easter falls in April next year so I'm thinking an egg theme will work. Boy did I find a messy project at Teaching with TLC but I just LOVE the finished egg!  I'll use a "Grandma Coupon" they can present for the foam shaving cream and a disposable aluminum pan later. (Note to self: design a coupon!!) I have a squeegee they can borrow, but I wonder if a rubber tipped spatula would also work. It sure would be easier for a toddler to handle!

I'm going to adapt an egg math idea I saw at Kids Activities Blog. I'll need 10 cardstock egg shapes (I don't think I'll be able to find foam ones at this time of year). If I get 2 eggs from one sheet, I'll only have to pick 5 pastel colors. Then instead of using buttons, I'll look for foam floral shapes to use for the "counting" decorations. I found a hen in a nest play dough mat at Making Learning Fun. If I use the blank one my daughter-in-law could pull a number from a deck of cards and Little H could make eggs to match. I can also print these free spring play dough mats for more open-ended play or this Easter play dough mat from Modern Parents Messy Kids.

Nifty Mom has a simple handprint flower which I really liked. This could be done for Mom for Mother's Day. I've got it covered in my basic supplies...nothing extra needed and at this point, I like that!

I really liked the math mat at Learn with Play at Home because Little H won't outgrow it quickly. This blogger was using some terrific vocabulary with her child and the activity is easily extended to higher level math skills than counting and 1:1 correspondence.  Think I'll need to add some dice and foam numerals to my shopping list!

Sassy Dealz has so-o-o many different crafts using a child's fingerprints and footprints. I liked the simpicity of this dandelion design and the turquoise background makes it pop! I'll just need to provide the background cardstock. But since there is a timing issue while the brown paint and green stems dry, Mom will need to let her have another sheet just to free paint with the green and brown. I'll have to check out the sticker section of Hobby Lobby and Michaels and maybe find some kind of saying that would make this apply for Father's Day ... can't do one parent and not the other!

I found some people play dough mats at Picklebums. I can't wait to see Little H decorate these with play dough clothes and features to look like her family! Maybe I'll have to  get some vibrant colors of modelling clay(plasticine) and some clay tools too!

I found this patriotic craft that uses pipe cleaners instead of a paint brush at another wonderful blog called Juggling with Kids.

The pipe cleaners are twisted, then dipped in paint to create fireworks. I'm thinking you have to put all three colors of paint close together on a paper towel or small dish so when she dips the pipe cleaners they get covered with all three colors. Hope Mom and Dad don't get mad but I'm including some silver glitter along with the pipe cleaners! I think I'll pick a dark black for the background.

I wonder if I can find a star shaped ice cube tray at the dollar store? If I do, then there's a patriotic numeral matching activity on Living Montessori Now. Domino effect coming: that adds another art activity that's tempting me. I'd never heard of freezing paint before, but that's what they do in red, white, and blue ice cube painting! While I'm at the store I should also look for small flag toothpicks which can be used for patterning in up/down or right/left. I think I'm out of control!!

Fantastic Fun & Learning has a twist on creating play dough fireworks. They do it with decorations on a play dough star! Better add a star cookie cutter to my shopping list along with glittery chenille and small metallic stars. Hopefully putting objects in her mouth won't be a concern by then.  The Preschool Toolbox also has a star patterning page I could print to match the patriotic theme.

If I don't find that star cookie cutter, then I may have to use some summer food play dough mats. Although these can be open ended play, it's easy to make them more math related. For example if she's working with the watermelon mat, ask her to count the seeds she makes. How many did you count? Make one more and add it to the watermelon. How many do you have now?  If you take one off, how many are left? If you take another one away, how many are left?


Little H is such a cutie that I think I'll finish the year with that as my theme for August.  I couldn't pass on this ballerina tutu I found at Meet the Dubiens. I'll have the pink cardstock tutu already glued to the background. Mom can use the pink paint to paint her hands for the tutu. That just leaves the ribbon to attach when the paint is dry. This would be a perfect craft to frame and hang in her room.

Then to round off her counting activities, I found an adorable felt mouse activity at Izzie, Mac, and Me. It goes with one of my favorite counting books, Mouse Count by Ellen Walsh. This may task my sewing expertise to its limits, but it's c-u-t-e!! I'll need more felt: tan, brown, and cream as well as more googly eyes and a clear plastic jar!

Phew ... it's a good thing that I'm retired because searching for my ideas took all day and I mean ALL day!! I even forgot to stop for lunch so I must be enjoying myself! Almost passed by dinner and when I saw how late it was I quickly heated some soup. Then it was back to my planning and before I knew it ...YIKES ... it's midnight! So it's time to call it a night or should I say a brand new day! I need to rest up because this Grandma has some craft shopping to do!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Puerto Vallarta

Woo Hoo ... my first trip to an all-inclusive resort in Mexico! I left the snow of Chicago behind that January of 2012 to attend the wedding of my daughter-in-law's sister, Jill. After an enjoyable flight, I encountered a little hassle in the airport ... I was unfortunate enough to be selected for an extra security check. Imagine a middle age woman hoisting a 55 pound suitcase up on a chest-high counter. Don't want to do that again!! But then it was off on our Apple shuttle to a beautiful resort.

We had nine days to enjoy at the Riu Palace Pacifico

The girls rented jet skies and headed out to see a nearby whale. No need to take the whale watching tour now!

Trying some yoga on the beach!

Someone got up early so we always had beach chairs beside the pool bar. It became the group hang-out.

That floppy hat was from a vendor on the beach and offered great sun protection.

Check out her smile!

 The town itself was a half hour taxi ride from the resort. I felt quite safe wandering the shops down the main street and sampling food/drink at the local restaurants. We wanted guacamole but everyone was out of avocados ... go figure! There were some amazing sand sculptures on the beach and I wish I had taken more photos!

Some of the guys went fishing and brought back something extra for rehearsal dinner!

Each guest at rehearsal dinner was greeted with a lei. Can you tell how much sun we've had!

Finally, it was time for the wedding on the beach. The setting was breathtaking and the bride very nervous but oh so beautiful!

The service itself was performed in Spanish and translated into English. They elected to hold the  reception in one of the resort's specialty restaurants and then off we headed to the pool bar for a night filled with dancing! Right about now my son should be thanking me for not posting some of my photos. Needless to say ... he was REALLY having a good time!!

 Noone wanted the night to end!

The trip was over too quickly and I would love to return someday. Bye Bye Mexico!

Making New Friends

Divorcing at 60 can really impact your social life. What to do ... well I hiked up my "big girl panties" and opened a new life's chapter that I'll call Meetup. How I found this network of local groups is beyond me, but I DO enjoy my computer browsing! So I typed in my interests and took a chance on the local wine and dining groups. Walking into  a room full of strangers can be a daunting proposition, but at 60 it was even more terrifying. However, it was one of the best decisions I ever made because it led me to my new family jokingly referred to as "Wine Family" because that's where we all connected. Within a year I was even hosting group events, quite a feat for a woman who can be an introvert in new situations.

It's almost time to leave for a day trip to Michigan wineries.  Stacy and I welcomed each wine lover with a sparkling mimosa...great way to compensate for getting out of bed so early!

Make new friends but keep the old!

Sunshine, great wine, and a picnic lunch make for a great outing!

Here we are at the annual Christmas party. What a spread and the ornament exchange was a hoot!

The great part of Wine Family" are the extra outings. You're never too old to try new experiences and my first ballroom New Year's Eve was a night to remember. Luckily I hadn't worn out my dancing feet  because the next morning it was a definite Winter Wonderland and there was way too much snow to get off my car!

Here we are waiting to be seated at Girl and the Goat in Chicago. What a culinary treat!! Thanks so much for ordering the goat leg in advance, Trina. I sampled food items wayyyy outside my normal palate and it was great fun to dine and share with a large table.

This local Italian restaurant deserved a second outing. Good food for all and leftovers for lunch!


Stacy and Matilde ... what would I do without the two of you in my life!!! So many good times, such laughter, and even a few tears. May our friendships continue to flourish!