Thursday, June 5, 2014

About Me

Today I was enjoying browsing through various posts on Cruise Critic some of which led me to blogs with wonderful travel photos. Now I'm no photographer, but I sat here thinking " I can DO this." I'm now three years into my retirement, so the days of maintaining both a classroom website and blog are distant memories. Yet I remember enjoying the process itself ... the sharing of experiences.

I joke tongue in cheek that 2011 brought my "hat trick" of major life experiences. January of 2011 saw me close the book on a 39 year marriage. In February my mother passed away losing the battle with Alzheimer's disease, never even recognizing her only daughter the last few months of her life. Then that June, I tearfully said good bye to wonderful colleagues, parents, and children as I concluded a 39 year teaching career.

It is so true that when one door closes another will open. Time is no longer my enemy and is something I'm blessed with in excess. While I'm not sure which direction this new blog will take me,  the uncertainty will be part of the fun and anticipation. Decisions, decisions... what will I write about? I've done some traveling, bought a new home, become a Pinterest junkie,  made some wonderful new friends via MeetUp, and even hosted wine tastings in my home.  And joy upon joy ... I became a grandmother to a precocious little bundle of energy!

Perhaps this blog will become a smorgasbord of my new experiences which are a far cry from my daily routine during 39 years of teaching. But our past helps shape who we are today so I'm sure educational topics will somehow make it into some of my posts or pages.

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